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Mark R. Koblos, LEED AP





Mr. Koblos attended Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and majored in Aeronautical Engineering. Mr. Koblos has a broad and diverse background that includes significant applicable experience in architectural design, electrical and plumbing engineering and project management. Mr. Koblos founded KTA in 1989 and serves as the firm’s CEO overseeing the company’s strategic planning and direction. Mr. Koblos is instrumental in the business development efforts of the firm and has established long term local and national client relationships.


Mr. Koblos has managed and designed projects around the world in the commercial, institutional and mission critical market sectors and is familiar with the special requirements of working across the United States and abroad. Mr. Koblos’ forty years of experience in the field of mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) consulting engineering and his great leadership and management skills, has led to KTA’s success as the leading MEP design firm in the Washington Metropolitan area.



PHONE: 703.995.1888 


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